OK – a few internet issues. But the big problem to consider this weekend is a major market break. For this, we have our usual 18-charts in our ChartPack series.
These are useful because they are not “single index” measurements. Because, as we learned from the Internet Bubble bursting back in 2000-2003, letting financial shills quote only one index (often selected in a dishonest, self-serving way) can mislead the public.
Then on the topic of the Internet outage, a few comments based on my 2012 book “Broken Web.” Because, honestly, we’re surprised the web hasn’t experienced a major break like this previously. And please note, it was only a few months back that we rolled the UrbanSurvival website onto a numerical IP address.
Mainly, it’s another one of those “Just the fact, ma’am” kind of days (following Friday, if you will…).
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