We take privacy seriously.
The Peoplenomics.com(tm) website does not use cookies except to provide for subscriber access.
This is a simple, non-tracking session length cookie which is set so that once admitted to our Inside sections, you won’t have to keep entering your username and password.
If you see an ad, and there are sometimes cookies attached to these, they are served by reputable companies like Amazon or Google.
Our zeal for privacy shows up in other ways, too.
For example, we do not handle credit card transactions directly.
We use credit card processing of a third party (PayPal) because they have excellent security.
Thus, we are never in possession of any of your personal financial information.
You are welcome to subscribe using a check, money order, or cash, of course. But we don’t want your financial or web browsing information.
Thank you for supporting privacy. You’re obviously not with the government.