“It’s still only $40-bucks???”
Yes. Correct. Almost 25-years and no price hike. Go ahead, name any other thing….
“Peoplenomics is worth $300 a year. You really oughta charge more!” a reader recently told me.
But we don’t.
Because Peoplenomics is a newsletter about Life, markets, getting good value for your hard-earned dollars, and about sharing knowledge, experience, and community. Plus being one-step ahead of whatever comes next.
Main Problem? America’s Money is Falling Apart
We noticed this the other day when we looked back and found that we’ve never raised our subscription price. Since 2000. What should it be – based only on the government Inflation numbers? Take more of worth less paper to buy the same loaves of bread, follow?
As is obvious, our focus is mainly economic. We live in a world of crooked money, half-truth government, and a narcissistic culture of deceit.
Let me share a secret with you: The purchasing powers of your dollar is declining at an unprecedented rate.
Coping is stressful. Sorting out the Modern Mess is what we do.
Peoplenomics Keeps You “A Step Ahead”
Peoplenomics began in 2001 when Elaine and I were kicked back on our sailboat in San Diego. I’d just finished a super lucrative sales and marketing turnaround up in the Bay area. And I liked to write. Been a major market radio news jock, so what the hell, right?
I didn’t want to do “just another finance newsletter.” I wanted that would shine and give me the freedom to cover whatever “moved me.” That’s why you’ll find advance copies of several of my books – free for the reading – in the Master Index section. “Power in the Second Depression” – “Packing to Die: The Suitcase Between Your Ears” is another. All the chapters of “The 100-year Toaster: Obsolescence – the Global Addiction” are there, too. Plus, a book of personal UFO notes I’ve never released to the public.
Along the way, we evolved some new ways to look at financial markets as an Aggregate. And there’s an Elliott Wave predicting spreadsheet which at times has been useful, too. (Downloadable from the Master Index pages.)
Yes –Readers Love Peoplenomics
“I cancelled several financial subscriptions 2 years ago. One was $300 a year and another was $200 a year. I found I got more good advice and entertainment from your column at $40 a year.”
These were totally unsolicited!
Don’t Miss Out!
For more than 20-years, Peoplenomics has helped thousands of people live a better life and make smarter investment and Life decisions. Sometimes we talk money (every issue has Aggregate Market charts and comments). Sometimes we go way out on the bleeding edge of science (time machine research) and medicine (the Light Crown Project on photobiomodulation).
Our approach is simple: We make logical inferences based on current news and market flows and offer comments that are useful to our subscribers.
“I don’t try to parallel trade you, but your timing model is better than models I’ve used in the past that cost 10-times more!” – real reader.
“OMG Peoplenomics is Great! What a Bargain!” – real reader
“Your thoughts about how to manage our resources plus managing our thoughts sure are helping a lot of us out here. “ – yet another reader
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Get instant access to our library of 500+600 1,000+ back-issues, too!
- Solar power? It’s in there. A whole book serialized!
- Off-grid Living? You bet!
- Market timing? Ideas? Check
- Homesteading? Of course! We live in a doublewide on 30-acres.
- Long wave economic outlooks? That’s included, too.
- So are home improvements, construction, gardening, investing in precious metals like Gold and Silver plus our annual outlooks that reveal outstanding new opportunities!
- PLUS: our Aggregate Index view of U.S. markets.
Peoplenomics: The future of…
Readers call our weekly in-depth reports “brilliant and entertaining” and the “best newsletter value out there.” “I’d pay 10-times your subscription cost…”
Twice weekly Peoplenomics gives in-depth, pertinent, and timely ideas to optimize your financial and lifestyle choices.
Start Now: Setup Your Account Here
People occasionally ask “How is Peoplenomics different from your free UrbanSurvival.com content?”
Easy! Many more Charts, for one. Much of what is contained in Peoplenomics isn’t covered on the free site, or if it is, it’s on a delayed basis. Peoplenomics is where our newest – and best – thinking about the future and Life-optimization is revealed.
In Peoplenomics we ask things like “Given that the sky is falling, what should we have in our ‘sky-is-falling kit? Or “Can we make some money on the Sky falling? On UrbanSurvival you won’t get that level of detail, but we’ll sure mention that the sky is looking shaky…. Peoplenomics is the drill-down and detail plus our unique market tools.
Readers knew we moved into gold in 2001 at $276, farm/ag land in 2002, and silver in 2005 at $6.94-$7.05. Bitcoins greenlighted from $390 (though we don’t indulge in or trade cryptos).
Our Trading Model continues to give a very useful perspective on long-term market direction without the shrill hype heard elsewhere.
Sign up now: The Account Setup Page is Here
Subscription Terms
Your one-year subscription is just $40. Five-month terms are available for $20 for those on a tight budget.
If for some reason the world ends and the Internet disappears, we will not be issuing refunds. Or if I die (I’m not planning to!). These are small risks, but we’re up-front about risks and life is full of ’em.
Please allow up to 4-hours for processing. If you have an email filter, please white list george@ure.net, gure@centurylink.net, and webmaster@peoplenomics.com to ensure your logon information doesn’t get lost. This is especially important for EarthLink and AOL users. If you take care of that little item in advance, everything should work peachy.
Hate Online Payments? Check “Pay By Mail” and instructions to mail in your access payment will be provided.
Why miss out on “the good stuff?” The content I publish freely on my https://urbansurvival.com is only the beginning as you are about to find out.
Free for Some! If you can’t afford our modest subscription rate and would still like to read our content, some of our more successful subscribers occasionally fund free access for deserving people. Send an email and tell us your situation and we’ll see what options are available.
And like we say: Write when you get rich,
George Ure, Publisher
(One of the “truly old men of the web.” Who has been moving data over radio waves since 1982…long before there even was an Internet. Ahead of the future is what we do around here. We “went rural in 2003.” We could see how things would be working out in big cities as society began to implode. That should be a hint about where we think the future is…)