California’s Complexity Crisis

Or, how an obscure paper on complexity in computer programming and committee generation showed us what to expect in post-fire California.  Yep, a big one to wrap our heads around. because this one defines a great deal of what to expect in the modern world.

Toss in the market results in the extensive ChartPack, and certainly, a good time will be had by all…

If you are into practical implicates of socio-cybernetic modeling, then partner, this one’s for you.

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Better Personal Research

In our Focus today, a discussion of how to improve personal decision-support.  See, all of us who are life-long learners sometimes lose focus on the importance of “personal product development.”

Before we tackle that, however, Consumer Prices just out. And yes, they’re up.

In the ChartPack today ventures into financial pugilism as the Future will “duke it out” with Inauguration this coming Monday.

There’s a lot to weigh in here, so let’s start with the anchor..

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The Fire Future was Seen

Not widely mentioned anywhere is that this Future was clearly seen almost a month ago. While there are many technologies that presently “look at Future” the success I speak of was specifically via remote viewing.

Plus, with the market weakness Friday, a study of our ChartPack today will be most interesting as well.

A number of headlines – though you can pick these up many places – are also worth a mention not for their specifics, so much as how they begin to weight the future into certain potential outcomes.

With that, pour a cup and let’s dig into it.

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Fed Policy Compression Problems

A rather startling chart in this morning’s ChartPack series.  As we explore a line-up with the prototypical 1929 extreme blow-off and present day market behaviors.  We’ll outline what could be a financially devastating remainder of 2025.

TMB versus MMB. Yeah: Trump Means Business versus Money Means Business.  As long as it’s the War Party’s wars and pandemic plans.  Just freaking dandy.

Still, we pause long enough in our “twice weekly Devolution checks” to offer another chapter in our latest book.  On the art of Downsizing,

But even before that joy and partying breaks out (12 to go!) there’s still this matter of financial collapse and the crater in the JOLTS report ahead of the just out ADP Jobs report.

Oh, and a dilly of a ChartPack, if I do say so…The coming year as the potential to rival the slide into the Great Depression and we have a couple of charts that illustrate that risk.

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