Between multiple forward-looking predictions, we now have (we think) enough data about the future to make some educated guesses. We will begin with some of the biblical references and concepts, move into how “personal contact with Future looks” and then use a couple of emails from colleagues to illustrate how possible futures “wander by” our minds all day, every day.
After all this, as a warm-up, we reduce it all to a handful of scenarios, one of which may be seen (in retrospect from the future historian’s viewpoint out in 2030) to have been maybe partially correct.
Though, as the old saying goes, “In the land of the Blind a one-eyed man can be King.” As luck would have it, I’ve got the ocular chops covered.
First, though, we have some economic data to roll: Housing Starts from Census and just ahead of the market, Fed Industrial Production numbers.
Now, toss in the usual “hearts of Romaine”: (*tossed headlines) and it will be a grand morning to digest another – too-long – word ramble. Now, if I had just figured out how to “get paid by the word…“
“Let’s see: 7,650 words in today’s report times….. “
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