Next Week to Turn?

Crappy week for markets – if you were foolish enough to be long (Bullish) stocks after Labor Day. Both the Dow and the NASDAQ were down more than 1,000 points each while the S&P was down more than 200.

This morning, we sort through some of the drivers and – in our usual 18-chart collection – will look at where recent data has suggested we’re going next.

Honestly, presidential politics has become rather boring now that Donald Trump will not be running from behind bars. Thus, avoiding the full-on revolution that some have predicted.

Still, there’s the little matter of the neocons, who have “bellows to the fire” trying to get even a limited nuclear exchange going before elections in order to further their uni-party goals.

Not the most exciting plans to consider, but sadly the “grownup thing to do” at this time in life.

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