When Donald Trump ran for president the first time, he was touted as a billionaire and the label may have helped. It sure didn’t hurt. This time around will be different. His financial condition is now somewhat questionable and the opposing candidate packs a ton of appeal to People of Color (POCs) (or, at least the Obama’s).
Even more interesting to us has been the reaction of the stock market to recent news – so in today’s ChartPack (*extended) we will mix up politics, or Aggregate Index and see how the liberal rich are lining things up for (themselves to benefit) from the election. forgetting that an avowed Marxist is one of the choices.
Who needs a constitution or open conventions with power, dynamics and law-faring are at work.
Oh, some headlines along the way, as well. Bean up and let’s read…
Because after this morning’s column, you should be able to talk extemporaneously for at least 15-minutes on in-built dynamic market tension and DeMorgan’s laws.
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