Update: The Nerve Gas Questions Linger But Evidence Builds

Further to this morning’s subscriber report, where we found some interesting archival data regarding past allegations of a “false flag “ nature regarding nerve gas use by parties in Syria, we have continued to dig around and (helped by a tip from reader DC) came across an article that seems to paint the “nerve gas” story buried in web archives as being an errant report on the part of a British media report.

As our reader put it:

I’m hopeful that this whole thing — chemical weaponry, impending invasion, and all — will also prove to be “completely fabricated”.  However, I’m not ready to apply the test of “hope in one hand, and … in the other…”

Sound judgment that, so we correct/append with this further data as we come across it in our best faith efforts to keep the story of what’s going on straight.

Nevertheless, it is troubling to see reports of how the administration is preparing “…to bypass UN on Syria response…” since they’ve already been hard at work bypassing due process here in the USA by so far keeping Congress from its constitutional role as the body that is charged with declaring war on behalf of the American people.

Meantime, British foreign secretary William Hague is reported playing down how close a strike could be and prestigious Foreign Policy headlined that the US “…Intercepted calls Prove Syrian Army used nerve gas…”

The most important piece in the puzzle will be awaiting the UN  inspector’s report which will presumably give the final word on whether the nerve agent use was “home brewed” in which case the rebels themselves could be outed as the perps, or whether the gas used was high quality military grade, in which case, the odds of Syrian forces as being the source o the attack would rise exponentially.

Today, the US markets rose on a lack of news on point, but while the earlier developments have faded in significant, we can safely report that evidence seems to be building against the Assad regime as fewer questions linger going into the overnight hours ahead of a long US holiday weekend.