The Kind of Interview that Matters

We usually keep our nose on the “economics and wise-spending” grindstone.  But, now and then, the Larger Contexts of Life deserve a glance.  Markets will break higher – or lower – but no point on worrying about that, just yet.

So today off to the Land of Woo-Woo.  An interview with Martin Keller.  Whose book – The Space Pen Club: Close Encounters of the 5th Kind — UFO Disclosure, Consciousness & Other Mind Zoomers – pokes into familiar topics in the generalist’s mind.

Our direction (and goal) is “Triangulation” to put a word to it.  Sighting into those borderland regions between waking (and the world of tech), sleep and the world of dream realms, which live next door to Shamanistic Realms, which – in turn – abut the Miracles of Prophets. These, again in turn, leads to UFOs, remote viewing, and Major Concerns related to “what comes next.”

One coping track is to consider Life as a 90-odd year adventure to be “GoPro‘ed” with your Mind’s Eye.  This, rumor has it, will be played back during your “just-after-Death” Life Review Experience; a topic gaining scientific traction.

The Truth is Out There” – and Keller describes his adventures along the edges of a Much Bigger Deal.

We launch right after a few headlines including the new ADP Employment Data and this morning’s ChartPack.

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