Lies about Money and Labor. There are a couple of axioms that we roll through not to mention the various kinds of “money” out there. World does great at optimizing senseless digits. But average work-hours to live numbers? Forgetaboutit!
Our current fave is pseudo-money – the made-up diggery digital spunk. Which, if you argue the point means you don’t know the carbon footprint of bit-mining. Rape resource to make-up hash codes? AYSM? That makes crypto-fallacies the most environmentally damaging industrial waste (with the least return) ever invented by mankind.
A few headlines before going full-spleen today, but eventually we made the ultimate “Environmentalist Observation:” The whole world has gone wild resource-stripping because we are optimizing “money” (and digits) instead of “minimizing labor.” Stupid choice, ain’t it? But we are a what kind of society? Anti-smart.
(Which may explain why we are all busting-butt for 90-hours a week just to break-even. Not our fault, except for the part where we fail to challenge the crooked business model imprinted on us from birth. As we shall elucidate upon momentarily…
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