Seeking Ararat II

You study the UrbanSurvival site, you read G.A. Stewart’s take and finally come to it: Time to “Get out of Dodge.”  Well, except for one thing: You don’t know how, exactly. Because getting out, even if you have time (when time comes, so to speak) is not likely to work unless you have laid in plans well ahead of time.

As part of my latest serialized book for Peoplenomics subscribers, Building Your Personal Ark, we take off this morning on the “getting out part”.  We look at cars, RV’s and even the “going Mountain Man option.

First though, we have to take a swipe at how the world is really working while we wait for the smelly stuff and the fan to collide.

After which, I will go back to wondering who put lines of HTML source a report that says  simply <musk>. Yeah, things are getting ever stranger as we roll…

By the way, Great Comments from G.A. Stewart in the UrbanSurvival comments overnight.  Go read his latest here.

Two cups worth, today. Maybe even three.  Not counting charts we’re over that 7,000 word range again..

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