Second Depression – Survival Gardening Guide

Let me see: The stock market has dropped 10.6 percent in the last 12 calendar days and you wonder why this topic and why now?  You are welcome to remain skeptical of our long wave economic views, but unfortunately, the replay of history is continuing as a bad rhyme with little reason. Seen BTC yet today?

You’ll miss the Future if you don’t see the whole woke/virtue/me-me as being a spin (or rhyme) on the Flapper Era.  Which was a kind of sexual blow-off in 1920’s society in which young women expressed their sexual liberation.

Here in rhyme-time, the new and “improved” version, men, women, and even a few species of barnyard animals have been “liberated.”

Today begins Closing Time. for the long wave Replay. There’s no denying what’s in our ChartPack.  Seems that no matter what the Federal Reserve does with rates today, it will be adjudged wrong by someone. Smelling the smoke in the crowded theater, yet?

Our outlook for the coming year ranges from famine to mushrooms.  Soaring prices, falling spirits.  National emotional bankruptcy is at the door.

Of course, if you pass off the presently devolving drought as “just a dry spell?”  Well, just remember de Nile is not just a river in Egypt, is it?

No matter what happens next – geo-econ-and-sociologically – we do plan on continue eating a couple of thousand calories per day.  Gardens matter.

No B.S. Our Biden Garden is bound to help out – especially in 2023 as runaway inflation will likely (in our view) place food out of reach for many.  Today’s No B.S. Survival Gardening was written as a useful compression of many scattered gardening resources.  We’re coming to a period when compressed knowledge will matter.

While our story leads there – to potential for a failed “American families dream”  the information age is going bankrupt. Late from the theater may not work out.

Today’s First Things data will include the Retail Sales, Empire State Manufacturing, and Import/Export prices report, too.

These and our long wave ChartPack – are today’s “snow markers” as we plough blindly along the abyss.

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