Roadmap to the New Inflation

Despite the Fed boss ramble Tuesday, our pessimism grows.  That’s because scattered food shortages are being reported in the Northeast as grocery shelves “thin out.”

Going beyond pet food, there’s a hit that the supply chain issues will not resolve quickly this time.  Since the Brandon administration has gotten almost everything wrong so far, no reason to expect enlightenment and wise policy to come along right now, is there?

Which is why we again show you how inflation and the nation’s food supply are tied and discuss (again) the reasons why our “Grow Room” project on the side of our house has been such a high priority.

If you don’t have plans for survival gardening now, and for food storage when you get a crop, there’s still time to get prepped, but the window may close quickly and without notice.

Which we will explore in more depth after a few headlines and a discussion about another Nostradamus warning sign being fulfilled.   Oh, and the ChartPack, of course…

But let’s begin with an email from a fellow I know – who’s the smartest man in the room regardless of who else is there.  Not the kind of kudos we dish-out without basis…

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