Investment Ideas for Young Families

February 2, 2013 — People ask some really good questions and this morning we’ve  got a dandy email from a 28-year old Peoplenomics subscriber who wanted some  basic questions about investing answered.  But here’s an example of inflation  for you:  The answer turned into a two-part Peoplenomics report after I jotted  down the first 7-pages of notes on what a young family ought to be thinking  about when it comes to money.  THEN it occurred to me that I need to send this  to our kids, too…and then it got more detailed from there.  So this morning  we’re into the first part of a discussion for young Co-CEO’s of families, after  the tai chi of headlines and that blow-off market rally which our trading model  called right…

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Quest for a New Metric

January 30, 2013 — Periodically, I get hate mail…usually from non-subscribers who don’t take  the time to consider other points of view.  But when people question the  Aggregate Index and blather on about markets, it’s time for a quick refresher  course on how money degrades over time.  So this morning, we’ll look at some of  the hard realities of how markets perform when money’s bring watered-down.  As  I’ll show: 2007 was only the market top if you ‘drank the Kool-Aid’ and don’t  correct for inflation.  But that, however, leaves us with a new problem: If you  can’t trust market pricing to be good indicators (since the underlying money is  corrupted) what then becomes the investment yardstick?  First, however, a bit of  mental tai chi with overnight headlines and a strong second cup.

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Deriving the Future With Search Engines

January 26, 2013 — After our morning jaunt through a few headlines to  warm-up the brain cells, this morning we will do some rudimentary “future  seeing” by setting up our own system of data collection using off the shelf  tools.  Does it work for valuing companies and investment vehicles?  Well, no  reason why not.  Depending on how much time you want to invest in the project,  of course…

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The “Secret Investment” No One Talks About

January 23, 2013 — “…psst…wanna make north of 20% with low risk?”   Back to our ‘core” this morning…getting rich.  The economy – more or less –  sucks here lately.  And although there are occasional ways to make something  other than bank rates of interest, most of those come with a fair amount of  risk.  Still, there are a few ‘sneakers’ left – and IF we don’t get a global  coastal event, once Elaine and I get back from summer travels this year (with  Panama Bates taking point at Uretopia in our absence) we will likely wade into  this investment ourselves.  As usual, more on  the sport of  “making money” – a  topic that never goes out of style – after we turn over a few headlines and look  to see what’s under them.

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