A Long Wave Look Ahead

The long – and larger – cycles in economics is our focus today.  Sure, a few stories off the wires with our (occasionally) acerbic remark.

But with the buzz of the presents wearing off, and perhaps still smarting a bit from our discussion of the economy’s “elevator to nowhere” problem (mythical growth versus inflation adjusted quality of life metrics, this is a good time to pause and reflect on “What next?”

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Earthbound Marvels

Merry Christmas and happy Chanukah! There wasn’t going to be a column today, but the urge to write was running strong so here we are…

We will pass on most (but not all) of the daily news flow.  Plus we still have the rest of the week to get through…

And, above all, we are keeping an eye on “named days” because Earthquakes, just to name one class of news event, have a way of getting “holiday names” pinned to them, Good Friday in 1964 and the Boxing Day quake, if you don’t remember Banda Aceh.

Today?  What I hope passes muster of science-based speculation into the recent flurry of activity in the skies.  Which is kind of appropriate, given the date.  Things in the sky have a way of “leading wise men”.

Oh, the website winner is announced, too.

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A Website Under the Tree

George announces plans to “play Santa” for one lucky subscriber this coming week. As we will be giving away a whole website with hosting. This would make the perfect gift for someone interested in the link between genetics and diet.  Why, done right, this could launch the lucky winner (who ideally would be “medically-minded”) into orbit. I can picture a YouTube channel, podcast, or even books to come from this.  Maybe money, too.

This website is already “roughed in” over here.  The niche is the under-developed space between genetic predispositions and what people actually eat.  And how it’s all tied-in to long-term health.

A strange story behind how it arose (one of my “dream things’). But, already using some of the principles (which come with the site) I’ve lost 5-pounds since Thanksgiving.  But wait!  There’s more!  I will also provide the first year of basic site training, as well.

If you like medicine, like to cook, and like to share?  This is your present, needing only to be claimed.

Open only to subscribers and the winner will be pulled randomly from the list of interested parties (if any – remember this is all just a hair-brained idea so far…)

Open to subscriber’s only. Application deadline is Tuesday noon.

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The arrival of Winter assures us another season will be along. But lingering is whether the political weather will really change.  A point the continuation of government (without a shutdown) does bring to mind.

A stroll through headlines as we slow our roll into the holiday and this morning’s ChartPack, too

Thus, two cups ought to do it.  And leave some goodies out for the reindeer.

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Prospects for a Digital GlobalRev

Want to build a counter to the Weapons of Mass Deception? Today we examine the Tower of Babel, and the role of conceptually extensible, functional, peer-to-peer social networks (without censoring middlepersons and dataware), In order to think a bit in guerilla terms about meaningful digital change.

With $37 /$158 trillion of debt and climbing unsustainably can you even question whether the system is broken? (Ahem. Seriously?)

Present UAP hysteria and the recent election aside, there is a growing demand for change, as we see it: signs of a global revolution based on peer-to-peer internet use is one possible path. Future risk is amplified here in late 2024 by the number of countries facing regime change and close calls of state, just in the last month.

We count Canada, Germany, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Syria, Taiwan, and South Korea (8) enumerated countries and in “governance hot water.” Can the American losers of 2024 leave peacefully?.

Besides our own country, the European Union which is entering the “high social cost” of their open borders fiasco, too.  There, like the U.S.  Synthetic Growth may have sounded like a good idea, early on.  But over time, the initially stimulative effects of SynGrowth wash out.

What’s left is not only a pile of bills (since new populations require investment). But also there’s the matter of the changing internal expectations of a country’s NuPop. Cats or dogs for dinner?

More on this, as we’re kicking it – waiting for this afternoon’s Big Rate Reveal.  Which – if our judgment of the Fed is anywhere near right – could be a disappointment for the Bulls.

Drilldown in our morning ChartPack. Where the market action Tuesday might be a pre-shock of more downside to come. Expect a “buy the rumor” upside open.

Collapse closing in?  Mean as people get the message that “things are changing” and there’s no one at the wheel?  Especially you know who.

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