Our Next “Mad Scientist” Project

Old Man Labs here is planning another project. This one gets into the realms of the really weird.  But trust me, it will sound like fun (interesting?) when I walk you through it.

For those who haven’t been around as long as this site – which will be 25-years in September (basis UrbanSurvival.com web domain) or December (basis the first Achive.org retrievable page), a waltz down memory lane is in order.

We have partnered with some impressive people in our pursuits.  Such was the work on the 93-year economic cycle which is now due.  And there was tinkering around the edges of word frequency (on the net) associated with a changing future.

All those projects can be “sewed up in a rag” and labeled “Beat the Future.”

When it became clear that wasn’t the real problem beating future – living long enough to see it was – we turned our attention to the Light Crown idea (2016) and then the Speed Crown (2017-18) because there looked to be much promise to the use of coherent light for age reduction when used in combination with other (less sketchy) pharmaceutical notions.

Wife Elaine will pass 80 in just over 3-weeks.  And my next odometer rollover will be to 75. But even out here, Excellence of Thought matters. And although we both carry the Alzheimer APOE ε4  allele, we’re trying to put the brains to as much use as possible and keep them in well-tuned condition.

Interestingly, as much as 15-25 percent of U.S. adults may have this condition and it’s interesting because it literally makes aging more painful.  Since APOE ε4 allele elevates the expressions of inflammatory factors and promotes Alzheimer’s disease progression: A comparative study based on Han and She populations in the Wenzhou area – PubMed (nih.gov).

Bottom line of the lead-in to this morning’s report?

Lot of important shit to do if we’re going to avoid some pain as aging seniors who are bent on “living life to the max.”

Which we get into after the ChartPack and a close inspection of why a particular trade made this week worked out well. We made a little lunch money, so a use case in the Charts.

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