“Opportunity Eyes” (Personal Ark book, Part 3)

“Some men see things as they are and say why? I dream things that never were and say why not.” Famous quote from the late Robert F. Kennedy. Very much on point as we answer the question “What is a rational person to do for a survival strategy in a world gone mad?”

The answer has, for more than 20-years for Elaine and me, to attempt building our own “Personal Ark.”  We don’t expect the Biblical rains, but the risk of other raining down on the world?  A review of headlines says that is a non-zero risk.  The Middle East is locked in battle over future energy and in Ukraine, the West/NATO is making “remote viewer” predictions of a NATO breakup in early 2024 sound not so far-fetched.

We’re not just serving a long chapter today – looking at home-based business ideas.  We also have this little matter of a Fed  rate decision after lunch plus the usual “world in breakup mode” to follow as well.

Pour a second cup and put notifications on hold.  There’s a lot to cover and like Booker T and the M.G.s used to play, Time is Tight.

(OK, maybe a 9,600-word reportis  a little over-the-top.  But this is part of a book, you know, Besides, if you don’t have time to read it all today, there’s the holidays just ahead…)

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