Grim, Grimmer, Grimmest

We did mention “OEB” means October Ends Badly”?  That was the UrbanSurvival headline Monday of this week.

When I wrote that, our (meta) Aggregate Index stood at 36,044.20.  Friday of this week? The close was 35,159.17. Almost a 2-1/2 percent loss.   This doesn’t seem like a lot. Unless you consider that the U.S. economy is going at not too much more than this – and taking 12-months (and crooked money being made up right and left) to do it.

Today we again return to our charts for ideas about what Future might bring.  Yet – due to an interesting set of circumstances, we did NOT short ahead of the Monday open.

Before those festivities, though, we have a few headlines and some thoughts about what one hell of a week could be coming up.

After all, it’s like this guy I know wrote almost a week ago, October Ends Badly.

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