Money is what “floats your boat” in today’s second installment of our Ark building book. Because while “prepping” may be popular, what’s really satisfying is the larger context in life: Building a Personal Ark to sail into the unknowable future.
We aren’t building a Noah-like flood building, though. Rather we are looking at owning a platform and siting it where a voyage into Future might be possible.
The sequence we’re into now involves some lessons designed to help open your Opportunity Eyes, Ark’s cost money.
In doing so, we’ll lay the financial foundation of your independence Ark (survival platform). Something that can survive (hopefully!) the worst the world can throw at it.
Next week, following this groove, we’ll be exploring 50+ years of personal Renaissance and street faire recon to give you concrete examples of how “seeing” with Opportunity Eyes works for people on this personal platform path.
Two major points to cover first, however, before we get go Future Building, though. The ADP Job Report is just out. And there’s a decision coming from Markets as Charts are looking ready to bolt – one way, or the other.
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