Fateball and the dma-x

Today we venture into the Twilight Zone between woo-woo and financial analytics.  Which, if you had asked me about last week, I’d have admitted is unlikely to exist. But now, thanks to “Living Two Lives” – a waking world and an amazing Dream Realm existence, I’m pretty sure it exists.

And forget Michigan and Ohio State this weekend.  In the Dream Realms the future that matters is ruled by something called Fateball.

Out of which arose (Friday afternoon) a new way to ferret the future – hidden in market data – which says (I’ll explain why) that the week ahead will be a downer.

Toss in the ongoing problems of war, hostages, and global politics, and we are on the 50-yard line where numerical and computational advances on the one hand (like A.I.) are still unable to end non-computational mathematical outcomes like love and hate, peace and war.

Yes sir, been a really interesting week…

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