Exploring the Covid-Climate Dividend

Let me give you the end of the article first: The Covid-Climate Dividend is here.  There’s a deafening silence about it from officialdom.  Many moving parts to this. A rollover from hand tools to machines, to computers to A.I. points toward a “useless eaters” problem just ahead.

While wars are waged for property, the right to tax residents, and to create artificial demand for more humans, more war materiel, and ever higher taxes for governments at all levels, they still remain central to the periodic die offs and tilling the Earth for future growth.

See, the problem with interest is that without growth, there’s no story to tell.  No pandering of the “rent on money.” The leech class of investors – taking their outsized shares from the people who actually make things requires periodic rebalancing.

Wars are great economic tools, but only for those at the top of the pile.

But change is in the air. In the flattened forests of Ukraine to the cells where corruption simmers in our own government.

This being Fed Rate Day – FOMC at 2 PM, we’re in a rather pensive mood.  One eye for the clock, the other on our six.

You see, Russia is preparing for mobilization.

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