Directorate 153: When to Brief Trump?

imageA HUGE report this morning that may take a minute to load, if your broadband is slow.  That is what 14 charts and graphics plus 7,000 words will do to things.

Our “First Things” section this morning considers where gold is now – and may go in the future.  We will also see how another US un-civil war might be in the timing cards for this long wave cycle. 

The “Chart Pack” is full of dreamy results – since what we have been predicting and expecting seems to be coming to pass right (more of less) on schedule.

And then we move into the purely hypothetical Directorate 153 – our thinking tool & concept modeler which allows us to tinker with various possible futures. In this week’s report, the Directorate (which is of course fictional) is seen trying to figure out when (and how) to advise Donald Trump.  The framework answers many “mysteries” behind the oddly evolving headlines and the current “pile-on Trump” phenomena.

At the core on the modeling construct is the surprising degree to which the US government is likely run at a policy level by a computational modeling outfit that is designed to ensure that  USA continuity – into the longer-term future.

In other words, the presence of early A.I. implementation as a policy-directing methodology could explain why there has been so little functional policy differentiation at the macro level between the Bush and Obama administrations.

So warm it up and let’s roll… 

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