A short lesson today on how the future news events do move in tandem with the future. That is, if you’re one of the “intelligencia” who understands how news is often-times a sheep shearing tool for the rich.
The word “concretizing” may not be familiar to you. The word, Oxford Languages tells us, really began to ramp-up in the vernacular from the middle 1950s on.
Which really makes sense; that was when America was building out the Interstate Highway system and we were – as a country – in the business of “concretizing” large swatches of urban territory. Which, upon completion, would help to turn major urban centers into “heat islands” which people today get all worked up over.
No, dear Reader – this is cause and effect, complete with a linguistic set of trail markers – on the road to losing our national mind.
For giggles and grins, we are using the verb “concretize” to set up the first half of next week in our look-aheads so that nothing will faze [v, 1] (or phase [v, 2]) you when it gets here.
Double up the bean and pass the Portland cement. We gonna steamroll into the weekend.
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