Book Update: The 100-Year Toaster

My book Packing to Die: Suitcase Between Your Ears is now available on Amazon for Kindle.  Feel free to buy several thousand copies.

In a few days, the paperback version should be ready, as well.  Amazon’s had a “hitch in their print-along” this week. Not my error! I hear a number of other authors have material cued up, waiting for the glitch fixers to complete repairs…

The focus on getting this book printed got me to looking back at another Peoplenomics book I wrote some time back but never put out for the gen pop.  You can find the pertinent chapters of The-100-Year Toaster on the Master Index pages.

However, this morning, I decided to rewrite the first chapter of that because of more recent observations about the nature of not only product but also corporate obsolescence.   (Do I know how to party, or what?)

So after we clean up from the overnights and from the train wrecks, and a view of how bad this fall could really get in the ChartPack, we’ll focus on getting ahead by looking behind.  While there’s still time.

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