Biden’s (Internet) Hostage Crisis?

Digital preparedness has been one focus on the site this week.  Now the “reason why” is coming into focus with headlines today like U.S. Energy Dept gets two ransom notices as MOVEit hack claims more victims have been crossing.

Normally, were it a corporation, there would likely have been a major uptick in Bitcoin prices concurrently. As BTC is one of the favored means of payment to digital hijackers.

Today, reports have us researching recent BTC prices.  Because from Thursday’s lows around $24,870 we have popped up to the $26,700 region overnight (Friday into Saturday).

That’s a gain of  more than eighteen hundred dollars.  Which looks to us like speculation that a major ransom might be paid.  But, we’re thinking the opposite:  The U.S. is likely – in our view – to do many more things.  But paying ransom may not be on the list.

Some important conjecture this weekend about how the “Pre-Nuke” part of global conflict escalation plays out.

As we roll through the Juneteenth Holiday and wonder when the “wage slaves” will be freed, as well?

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