A Spiritual Key to Anti-Aging?

The idea of a “lost spiritual technology” that may slow (or halt) the Aging Process is up this morning.  Wide-ranging discussion, too.  Everything from latest results in transcranial low level laser work, which we described in our “Light Crown” project here in 2016, to some interesting results using “earthing” as a strategy to augment Covid-19 treatment.

But all these (cool and brain-candy though they are) are only the “warm-up” act to some interesting concepts that arise from looking at human Death as an industrial process.  One of those “Crazy George” ideas that seems to be supported in the data.

First, however, some (routine) Trade numbers and 14-charts as the ChartPack finds us still waiting to resolve if this will be Wave 3 down, or whether a truncated Wave (5) or the larger wave 2 is yet to come?

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