A GroupThink Project: Sectorial Dependencies

[Long report warning:  >7,000 words]

When someone says the word “GroupThink” I’m sure that there are some negative  connotations.  But in this morning’s context the term  “groupthink” is not a bad thing since we’ll to be using it to help (as a  group project for our mutual benefit) to come up with a different way of looking  at financial data.  Specifically what we’re after is to define interlocking dependencies which can then hone our investing returns not just  in the market but also in day-to-day decision-making about life in general.  Before  starting  this new look into mechanistic causality in complex systems though, there’s nothing to starting the  day with some headlines as we wait for the idiotic mainstream press to deliver  word of the first royal diaper being filled.  Oh, wait!  That’s already been done...so back to our battle between complexity theory  and good old-fashioned economic reductionism.

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