A Few Scary Bets

We spend an exceptional amount of time focusing on the Future around here. With good reason.  Because the art of making money (or, at least losing as little as possible) is predicated on getting “some notion or aspect of Future” right.  And then making meaningful bets on it.

Are there some “unconventional” things looming in the foreseeable future that we should all spend some time planning for?  You bet!

Because while most people are working “normal lives” and too many are actually living “paycheck to paycheck” the reality is powerful families are at war.

Unlike “regular” plebes, these are the filthy rich who plan intergenerational wealth and plan on their specific heirs inheriting the Earth.  Or, more than 51 percent of it.

With some of these notions in mind (without having to search names of Class A shareholders who own the world through a myriad of shell corporations), we can at least settle out of the “line of fire” for what may be coming.

Already?  We can make – and our focus is on this right now – some Scary Bets.  We’ll even show you how to “roll your own.”  Future forecasting ain’t hard.

After the charts and a few headlines including this morning’s ADP Jobs Report.

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