Where we size up how the year has been and look ahead to next year’s challenges. We like to have these lookaheads because they go hand-in-glove with other annual exercises, such as the personal financial statement discussion.
We have been – for literally decades – fans of the concept preached in management schools “What gets measured gets done.”
This is a “tough-on-self” way to personal accountability. But the alternative is a slacker’s life with no (or minimal) change toward the better.
Thus, we begin with a world review (our Seven Systems of Life) and use this as the playing field to plot out where the Future might be directed. With surprisingly little effort, too.
One thing people don’t seem to live to is the notion that if you are living in “harmony with Universe” Life’s a very easy “row to hoe.” If you attempt to swim counter to Shakespeare’s “Tide in the Affairs of Men” you likely won’t get very far and you can be thrown for losses.
Not a long column this morning – mainly the charts and a few headlines to underscore our outlooks. But, then again, we had that super-long Tuesday report on Personal Ark Building (Part 3) which many subscribers haven’t been able to work into their schedules, yet.
Pour, relax, read.
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