The paradox of growth versus environmental balance (finally) wraps up today. We out the final chapter of our next Peoplenomics ebook. These are included with your subscription. However, some of the ebooks such as Power in the Second Depression are available on Amazon ($5.99).
This final chapter has taken more than a year to sort out. Because the “way forward” for nearly 8-billion competitive people (all of whom like to eat three-squares a day) is a nearly insolvable problem. What we come to is the policies problem. Because corporations and governments have merged along a jagged frontier of competing and cooperative interests.
Of course, no Peoplenomics report is complete without our twice-weekly ChartPack. And with the market futures early on the upside, we’re sensing the Fed announcement of a rate hike this afternoon could turn into a classic “Buy the Rumor – Sell the News” kind of event.
After a few other news items which are weighing not only on markets but the rational people who keep the world spinning forward.
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